There are bad movies and there are bad movies. The true bad american movie is an art form and the entertainment choice of millions. It's what we call the "B" movie.
Then you have movies that are so bad that are shit. Like Stir of Echoes 2.
What makes this the most frustrating is that I watched both movies back to back, just to make sure that I did not miss plot points. That was a waste of time because the second movie has absolutely not a god damn thing with the first movie. Nothing.
Another frustrating thing is that the cast was just plain vanilla, there was nothing wrong with them and they should have been able to pull it off. So who to blame?
My theory is that the writer had ADHD and somewhere between his third and sixth hits of meth decided that he was writing a sequel to Jacob's Ladder instead of Stir of Echoes.
I am no even ready to blame the director, I think it was simply a really shitty script.
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