Sunday, March 9, 2008

Mah Hero

There is this curious thing that happens when you are dealing with movies, music videos and TV shows from iTunes: the bulk update can't edit all of the video dependent fields, like video type, show name, season number, etc.

This is not that big a deal unless you love your AppleTV so much that you decide to rip all of your legally owned DVDs into a huge hard disk so you can watch them from your AppleTV. Try editing a network season of 24 shows, one episode at a time. Apple will probably catch up on this before iTunes 8 is out, after all they are fanatic about UI consistency, but for now we are screwed by having to do it by hand.

Hence, mah hero: Doug Adams.

Not only did Doug fix this with a simple Applescript, he put it on his website for free (he does take donations). The damn thing even has an installer! I find this amazing because adding an Applescript to iTunes involves grabbing a file and copying it to a folder in the library. Yet he went through the extra step of providing an installer script.

Photo Credit: Photo by cosmonautirussi, used under the terms of a Creative Commons license.