Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Gamers Like In-Game Ads, Claims Microsoft -- Video Games -- InformationWeek

Gamers enjoy in-game ads, according to Massive Inc., Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT)’s in-game advertising subsidiary.

Massive commissioned media research firm Interpret to survey gamers and found that they will accept online ads, within limits. For Microsoft, not to mention Google, which bought an in-game ad company of its own last year, this is good news to have paid for, particularly given that social network ads have been something of a disappointment.

“Gamers are open to advertising if it’s done tastefully,” said Grant Johnson, chief client officer and founding partner of Interpret. He characterized gamers as similar to other online consumers in terms of their receptiveness to ads.

[From Gamers Like In-Game Ads, Claims Microsoft — Video Games — InformationWeek]

If the game is realistic, sure. as long as the ads are part of the game environment, not interruptions.

What I don't understand is why am I paying $60 for a game that has paid ads within. At the very least they should let us switch them off (replaced with fake/funny ads like Grand Theft Auto 4) or maybe give us Microsoft Points if we leave them turned on.

Of course, this is not going to happen.