Thursday, June 26, 2008

Original iPhone warranties about to expire

TUAW was kind enough to remind suckers (the ones that waited in line for a day or long for the iPhone's first sale) that their warranties are about to expire:

Do you hear that ticking noise? It's your iPhone's warranty preparing to go "boom."

[From Original iPhone warranties about to expire - The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)]

Applecare is nothing more than a warranty extension, but it is a necessary evil. Apple is very flexible about selling these to you, so as the article mentions, you have the whole year to purchase coverage.

The problem now is that with the iPhone 3G almost out, many people still waiting to buy the warranty are simply going to skip it since they are picking up a new phone in June. What they don't take into account is that they can probably recover the $60 by the increase in resale value, since Applecare warranties are transferrable.